Friday, August 16, 2013

Recall a sent mail on Gmail

In the Compose tab of Gmail, as you start typing out in the 'To' field, you are prompted with probable email addresses. It's convenient, no doubt, especially when you can't recall the email ID. But it could lead to an embarrassment, when in a hurry you end up sending the mail to the wrong person. 

Gmail has an option, wherein within a specified period of time, you can recall the mail you sent. To enable this useful tool, click on the 'Gear' symbol on the top right of the email page, and go to 'Settings'. Click on 'Labs' in the series of options you see on the top of the page. 

Scroll down and look for the 'Undo Send' option. Click Enable. Scroll down and click on 'Save changes'. 

Click on 'General' in the top row of options. Scroll down and look for the 'Undo Send' option. Check 'Enable Undo Send', and choose from the options for cancellation period. The minimum is 5 seconds and the maximum is 30 seconds. Scroll down and Save Changes. Now, when you send a mail, it wouldn't go for the period of time you have selected, within which you can Undo Send.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Study reveals world‘s top 10 weakest ATM PINs

A study has revealed that the world's most popular four-digit ATM PIN combinations, like 1234, are the most dangerous combinations and can be guessed easily. 

The Huffington Post reports that there are 10,000 different possible four-digit ATM PINs, but almost 11% of PINs are the most easiest to crack. 

A study by Data Genetics has discovered the most dangerous PIN numbers by analyzing 3.4 million passwords. 

The top 10 most commonly used PINs found out by the study are 1234, 1111, 0000, 1212, 7777, 1004, 2000, 4444, 2222, 6969. 

The top 10 most common passwords make up over 20% of all of the passwords found, the report added. 

Meanwhile, 26.83% of all passwords could be guessed by attempting the top 20 most popular combinations. 

The study also revealed that four digit numbers starting with 19, for 19th century, are also bad passwords. 

Meanwhile, the study also found out the best, but least popular, passwords to be 8068, 8093, 9629, 6835, 7637, 0738, 8398, 6793, 9480, 8957.

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mobile etiquette: 11 things you must know

ImageCellphones are ubiquitous and research shows that although most users think they have good mobile manners, many people report being irritated or annoyed by the use of the phones in public places. 

Clearly there's a lack of understanding of what is and isn't acceptable in terms of cellphone etiquette. Following is a list of do's and don'ts: 

*Do respect those who are with you. When you're engaged face-to-face with others, either in a meeting or a conversation, give them your complete and undivided attention. Avoid texting or taking calls. If a call is important, apologize and ask permission before accepting it. 

*Don't yell. The average person talks three times louder on a cellphone than they do in a face-to-face conversation. Always be mindful of your volume. 

*Do be a good dining companion. No one wants to be a captive audience to a third-party cellphone conversation, or to sit in silence while their dining companion texts with someone. Always silence and store your phone before being seated. Never put your cellphone on the table. 

*Don't ignore universal quiet zones such as the theater, church, the library, your daughter's dance recital and funerals. 

*Do let voicemail do its job. When you're in the company of others, let voicemail handle non-urgent calls. 

*Don't make wait staff wait. Whether it's your turn in line or time to order at the table, always make yourself available to the server. Making servers and other patrons wait for you to finish a personal phone call is never acceptable. If the call is important, step away from the table or get out of line. 

*Don't text and drive. There is no message that is so important. 

*Do keep arguments under wraps. Nobody can hear the person on the other end. All they are aware of is a one-sided screaming match a few feet away. 

*Don't forget to filter your language. A rule of thumb: If you wouldn't walk through a busy public place with a particular word or comment printed on your T-shirt, don't use it in cellphone conversations. 

*Do respect the personal space of others. When you must use your phone in public, try to keep at least 10 feet (three meters) between you and others. 

*Do exercise good international calling behavior. The rules of cellphone etiquette vary from country to country. 

Good cellphone etiquette is similar to common courtesy. Conversations and text exchanges have a tendency to distract people from what's happening in front of them. Cellphone users should be thoughtful, courteous and respect the people around them.

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Meet Google Maps ‘rival‘ Citymaps

Maps are where it's at. Just ask Google, which bought maps app Waze for more than $1 billion, or Apple, which snapped up two small mapping startups earlier this month. 

Enter Citymaps, which bills itself as a social map that helps people discover new places rather than simply get directions to a destination. The New York-based startup launched a new, expanded version of its navigation app that includes all US cities and 15 million businesses. An earlier version included just a handful of test markets, including New York. The free app is currently available for the iPhone. An Android version is in the works, the company says. 

Citymaps lets people customize maps so that no two look alike. Users can create and share their own maps, such as "best coffee shops" or "late-night food." They can also collaborate with friends to make maps, and follow celebrities, magazines and others. 

Of course, Citymaps can be used for old-school navigation, too. But the company is betting that in the age of customized search results and news feeds, maps should follow suit. 

Elliot Cohen, the company's founder and CEO, recognizes that Google has cornered the maps-for-navigation market. 

"There is no way we can compete with Google fighting their fight," he says. "But we can if we look a few years out."

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